Online Payments

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It is hereby noted that the Insured has been extended the facility to pay the Annual Premium via the Company's Premium Financing Plan, in respect of the period of insurance detailed on the previous screen.
In consequence of the foregoing the Insured undertakes that all premium payments will be made in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.
It is also declared that the Insured acknowledges that if they fail to pay a premium installment by any of the agreed due dates, this policy will automatically lapse within 7 days of the date that the Insured first defaults on payment. Notice of such cancellation will be mailed 7 days prior to the cancellation taking effect to the address most recently notified by the Insured to the Company. Non-receipt or non-acceptance of the cancellation notice on the part of the Insured will not restrict, delay, remove or otherwise affect the Company's right to cancel the policy. If due to the operation of this clause a refund is due to the Insured a time on risk charge will be assessed in accordance with the Company's customary short period rates.
Further if during the currency of the policy any claim or incident likely to give rise to a claim arises, the full outstanding balance must be paid to the Company within 30 days of the date of loss or such other date that is specified in writing by the Company. The Company at its option may deduct any outstanding premium balance from the claim settlement amount. The Company has no obligation to settle any claim or make any payment toward settlement of any claim until the full balance has been paid. While making premium payments by installments, if for any reason a refund of premium becomes payable, this refund will be offset against any outstanding premium balance.
Subject otherwise to the same terms, Conditions and Exclusions of the Policy.
It is hereby noted that the Insured has been extended the facility to pay the Annual Premium via the Company's Premium Financing Plan.
In consequence of the foregoing the Insured undertakes that all premium payments will be made in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.
It is also declared that the Insured acknowledges that if they fail to pay a premium instalment by any of the agreed due dates, this policy will automatically lapse within 7 days of the date that the Insured first defaults on payment. Notice of such cancellation will be mailed 7 days prior to cancellation taking effect to address the most recently notified by the Insured to the Company. Non-receipt or non-acceptance of the cancellation notice on the part of the Insured will not restrict, delay, remove or otherwise affect the Company's right to cancel the policy. If due to the operation of this clause a refund is due to the Insured a time on risk charge will be assessed in accordance with the Company's customary short period rates.
Further, if during the currency of the policy any claim or incident likely to give rise to a claim arises, the full outstanding balance must be paid to the Company within 30 days of the date of the loss or such other date that is specified in writing by the Company. The Company at its option may deduct any outstanding premium balance from the claim settlement amount. The Company has no obligation to settle any claim or make any payment towards settlement of any claim until the full balance has been paid. While making premium payments by instalments, if for any reason a refund of premium becomes payable, this refund will be offset against any outstanding premium balance.
Subject otherwise to the same Terms, Conditions and Exclusions of the Policy.
It is hereby noted that the Insured has been extended the facility to pay the Annual Premium via the Company's Premium Financing Plan.
In consequence of the foregoing the Insured undertakes that all premium payments will be made in accordance with the agreed payment schedule.
It is also declared that the Insured acknowledges that if they fail to pay a premium instalment by any of the agreed due dates, this policy will automatically lapse within 7 days of the date that the Insured first defaults on payment. Notice of such cancellation will be mailed 7 days prior to cancellation taking effect to address the most recently notified by the Insured to the Company. Non-receipt or non-acceptance of the cancellation notice on the part of the Insured will not restrict, delay, remove or otherwise affect the Company's right to cancel the policy. If due to the operation of this clause a refund is due to the Insured a time on risk charge will be assessed in accordance with the Company's customary short period rates.
Further, if during the currency of the policy any claim or incident likely to give rise to a claim arises, the full outstanding balance must be paid to the Company within 30 days of the date of the loss or such other date that is specified in writing by the Company. The Company at its option may deduct any outstanding premium balance from the claim settlement amount. The Company has no obligation to settle any claim or make any payment towards settlement of any claim until the full balance has been paid. While making premium payments by instalments, if for any reason a refund of premium becomes payable, this refund will be offset against any outstanding premium balance.
Subject otherwise to the same Terms, Conditions and Exclusions of the Policy.